Ferguson Marine Procurement Process
As part of the wider Supply Chain function, the Procurement team is responsible for all sourcing of materials and services for Ferguson Marine (Port Glasgow).
The team create strategies for the spend categories with internal stakeholders and conduct tender exercises to achieve best value in a compliant manner.
As per The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Ferguson Marine Procurement Policy, the following spend thresholds/processes are applied when conducting procurement exercises:
- Under £10,000 – Obtain 3 quotes where possible in order to demonstrate best value for money
- £10,000 – £50,000 – Obtain minimum of 3 written quotes via Quick Call facility
- £50,000 to current UK threshold – Conduct a formal tender exercise via the procurement portal
- Over current UK threshold – Conduct an “above threshold” process in accordance with current Regulations
Procurement activity > £50,000 will be conducted using this procurement portal.
Suppliers using the portal for the first time will be required to register and complete a Standard Questionnaire, assessing their background and capability to bid.