Help and Guides

Tips for Selling to Ferguson Marine Port Glasgow

These tips will help you sell to Ferguson Marine Port Glasgow (FMPG). They apply to most public sector tender processes:

First steps:

  • Don’t be put off by the tender documentation. If it doesn’t make sense or you’re not quite sure what is required – always ask for help. Each tender document will provide a named contact – alternatively you can email
  • Read the documentation thoroughly and understand the requirements. If you have any questions or concerns about the Tender and its process contact the Procurement contact or e-mail
  • Once you have submitted an expression of interest, documents will be made available for download through Public Contracts Scotland (PCS)/Delta. It is very important that you follow the instructions given. If you don’t, it may lead to your submission not being evaluated by FMPG.

Completing the Tender:

  • Do answer in full – do not assume anything is obvious, or ‘goes without saying’. If you tend to write just three or four sentence answers, it will be worth going into more detail so you have a higher chance of being awarded the contract.
  • Even if you have already done some work for FMPG, even if you are the current supplier, we can only evaluate what is written down in your response. This has led to disappointment more than once but ensures a fair and transparent process for any suppliers who have not worked with us in the past. This also creates a more competitive tendering process.
  • Be clear on your pricing model – state any assumptions you made when pricing (e.g., availability of resources, timing etc.).

Returning your Tender Submission:

  • Check that you have provided us with all of the information requested. If for some reason you are struggling to provide all the information, ask us for advice as if questions are not completed it could significantly decrease your chances of being awarded the contract as questions are scored in the evaluation stage.
  • Complete and return the documents by the date and time given. Make sure to allow plenty of time to upload your documents onto the PCS or PCS-t system before the tender closes, otherwise your submission will not be accepted.
  • Don’t include publicity or promotional material in your submission unless you are asked to do so, they will not be evaluated.
  • Do ask for feedback if you are unsuccessful, it will help you with future tender opportunities with SBC.
  • Do give us feedback about our tender process as this will help us improve and make the process simpler for our suppliers.

Public Contracts Scotland

Public Contracts Scotland (known as PCS) is the Scottish Government on line tendering facility which allows FMPG to obtain competitive quotes electronically for requirements.

Registration to Public Contracts Scotland is free of charge.

FMPG Procurement Portal

The FMPG Procurement Portal is used to advertise Quick Calls which are quotes submitted electronically (where values are less than £XX) and for larger value tenders which are also advertised on PCS.